Hot  or Cold?  Hot  
Up  or down?  Up 

Eat  in our out? Out 

Car  or subway?  Car 

Oprah or Jerry?  Oprah 
white or black?   Black 
In  the country or abroad?  Abroad 

Inside  or outside?  Outside 
Cat or dog?   Dog 

texting  or calling?  Calling 

ipod or mp3?  Mp3 
laptop  or desktop?  laptop 
pencil  or pen?  pen 
reality  or drama?  drama 
horror  or comedy?  comedy 
romance  or horror?  romance 

Scream  or moan?  moan 

Knickers  or no knickers?  No  knickers 

Six  pack or no six pack?  Six  pack 

  Eyes or bum?  Eyes 

Chest  hair or no chest hair?  No  chest hair 

vanilla  or not?  Not 

whipped  cream or choc sauce?  Choc sauce 

ice  cream or yogurt?  Yogurt 

Ice or no ice? Ice 

Coke  or Pepsi? Neither 

Caramel Apple or Cotton Candy?  Caramel  Apple 
Pasta or Pizza?  Pizza 


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

